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Professor Smirnov was succeeded by Professors K.F. Ogorodnikov, R.O.Kuzmin and V.I.Krylov, also members of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Professor D.M.Volkov, Professor M.M.Smirnov and Associate Professor N.A.Sakharnikov also made great contributions to the improvement in the teaching of mathematics.
During the 1995-96 academic year the department faculty consisted of 2 Professors, 8 Associate Professors, 4 Assistant Professors and 14 lecturers and instructors; they taught mathematics to full and part time students at 6 faculties of the University: the faculties of chemistry, economics, geology, geography and ecology, biology and soils and philosophy. The department members work in the following areas of research:The results of the scientific research are published every year in leading science journals both in Russia and abroad. In addition, many papers are published as part of collections. From 1980 to 1989, more than 200 papers including 10 monographs, 1 Doctor's dissertation and 7 Candidate of Science's were defended. The Department scientific work continues in the 1990-s. In 1995, 1 monograph and 27 papers were published, 7 papers were presented at scientific conferences, symposia and seminars.
The leading faculty presents their papers at international symposia, conferences, seminars. Examples are one two papers presented by Professor Merkuriev at the European Mathematical Congress (Paris, 1992), and Algebraic K-theory Conference (Santa-Barbara, 1992), a paper presented by Associate Professor Izhboldin at two International Algebraic Conferences (Strasbourg, 1992; Trento, 1994), a paper presented by Associate Professor Rainess at the International Oxford Symposium (1994), papers presented A. Merkuriev, O. Izhboldin and B. Bekker at the Algebraic Seminars at Essen, Munster, Bildfeld, Strasbourg and others Universities.