Date of birth: 08/19/1952 Position: Associate Professor Business address: Department of Mathematics and Mechanics
St. Petersburg State University
2 Bibliotechnaya sq., Peterhof, St. Petersburg, 198904
Telephone (812) 428-4148 (office)
Fax (812) 428-4677
E-mail address:
Web Page address: Research Interests:
Robust control and signal processing, System identification,
Adaptive control, Mechanical systems control, Robotics,
Control in automotive systems. Languages: Russian (native), English Academic Training:
1974 M.Sc. in Mathematics, St. Petersburg State University, Russia.
1981 Ph.D. in Mathematical Cybernetics, St. Petersburg State University,
Russia. Professional Experience:
1974-76 Engineer
1976-79 Senior engineer
1979-84 Scientist
1984-96 Research associate professor
1997-pres. Associate professor Membership:
Senior Member of IEEE
Member of St. Petersburg Informatics and Control Society Teaching activity:
Lectures at St. Petersburg State University (since 1983).
Advising four Ph. D. Dissertations
and ten M. Sc. Theses in Mathematical Cybernetics. Visits:
Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden (1994, 1995, 1996, 1997)
Scientific Research Laboratory, Ford Motor Company, Dearborn, Michigan
(1996, 1998)
Lucent Technologies (Bell Labs), Murray Hill, New Jersey (2000) Lectures:
Institute of Control Sciences, Russia, Moscow (1993, 1995, on the invitation of Academisian Ya. Z. Tsypkin)
St. Petersburg Technical University, Russia (1994, 1997, on the invitation of professor A.A.Pervozvanski)
Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
(1996, 1997, on the invitation of professor Lindquist)
University of Toronto, Canada (1996, on the invitation of professor Francis)
University of South California (1996, on the invitation of professor Ioannou)
California Institute of Technology (1996, on the invitation of
professor Doyle)
Scientific Research Laboratory, Ford Motor Company, Dearborn, Michigan
(1996, on the invitation of Dr. J. Miller)
Lucent Technologies (Bell Labs), Murray Hill, New Jersey (2000, on invitation of Dr. H. Landau)
[1] S.V.Gusev, A.V.Timofeev, V.A.Yakubovich (1975) On a Hierarchical System
of Integral Robot Control, Proc. of the 4th International Joint Conference
on Artificial Intelligence, Moscow, Nauka, vol. 9, pp. 53-61 (in Russian).
[2] G.S.Aksenov, S.V.Gusev, A.V.Timofeev, V.N.Fomin and V.A.Yakubovich
(1976) Adaptation In Mechanical Systems, Abstracts Of IV Soviet Congress
On Theoretical And Applied Mechanics, Kiev, Naukova Dumka, p.7 (in Russian).
[3] G.S.Aksenov, D.K.Voronetzkaya, S.V.Gusev, A.V.Timofeev, V.N.Fomin and
V.A.Yakubovich (1976) Computer Adaptive Control Of Manipulators,
Proc. of the IV Soviet Conference on Theory and Principles of Robot
and Manipulators Construction, Moscow, pp.119-120 (in Russian).
[4] S.V.Gusev (1977) Adaptive Control of the Plant with
Time-varying Parameters. Regulators Synthesis in Some Adaptive
Control Problems. Ed by V.N.Fomin, Deposited with VINITI,
N 1441-77, pp.10-17 (in Russian).
[5] S.V.Gusev, V.I.Ruzhanskiy and A.V.Timofeev (1977)
Algorithms of Transport Robot Adaptive Control On the Terrain
with Obstacles, Proceedings of Soviet Conference "Robotics.
Sensors and Control Systems," Kaunas, pp. 248-254 (in Russian).
[6] V.D.Belenkov, V.M.Frolov, S.V.Gusev, V.I.Ruzhanskiy, A.V.Timofeev
and Yu.K.Zotov (1978) Autonomous Transport Robot Adaptive Control System,
Izvestia Akademii Nauk SSSR. Tehnicheskaia Kibernetika, No 6, pp.60-71,
(in Russian).
[7] S.V.Gusev (1978) The Comparison Criterion for Algorithms of
Inequalities Systems Solving, Deposited with VINITI, N 3781-78 (in Russian).
[8] A.H.Gelig, S.V.Gusev, V.V.Nesterov, A.V.Timofeev and V.A.Yakubovich (1978)
Experimental Investigation of Transport Robots Control Systems,
Proc. of the Soviet Conference on Robotics Systems, Moscow, pp.119-120
(in Russian).
[9] S.V.Belenkov, V.M.Frolov, S.V.Gusev, V.I.Ruzhanskiy, A.V.Timofeev
and Yu.K.Zotov (1979) Adaptive Control of Autonomous Mobile Robot
on the Terrain with Obstacles, Industrial Robots, No 2, pp.27-33 (in Russian).
[10] S.V.Gusev (1979) The Simple Adaptive Stabilization Algorithm Based
on Special Kind of Time Quantization of Input. Voprosy Kibernetiki.
Adaptivnye Systemy Upravlenia, Moscow, Academia Nauk SSSR, pp. 117-124
(in Russian).
[11] S.V.Gusev, A.V.Timofeev and V.A.Yakubovich (1979) Adaptation
in Robotics Systems with Artificial Intelligence, Proc. of the
VII Soviet Conference on Control Problems, Moscow,
Vol.1, pp.279-282 (in Russian).
[12] S.V.Gusev and Yu.K.Zotov (1980) On Linear Stabilization of
Mechanical Systems Program Motion under Parametric Disturbances,
Proc. of the V Soviet Conference on Problems of Theoretical Cybernetics,
Novosibirsk, pp.55-57 (in Russian).
[13] S.V.Gusev and V.A.Yakubovich (1980) Adaptive Control Algorithm
for a Manipulator, Avtomatica i Telemehanika, No 9, pp.101-111 (in Russian).
(English translation in Automation and Remote Control, v.41, No.9 1268-1277).
[14] Gusev S.V. (1981) Transport Robot Motion Adaptive Control Algorithm,
Robototechnica, Leningrad, Vol.3, pp. 3-9 (in Russian).
[15] A.H.Gelig, G.G.Grigor'ev, S.V.Gusev, V.V.Nesterov and N.N.Pinchuk (1981)
Experimental Autonomous Mobile Robot,
Proceedings of II Soviet Conference on Robotics Systems,
Minsk, Vol.2 (in Russian).
[16] G.G.Grigor'ev, S.V.Gusev, V.V.Nesterov and V.A.Yakubovich (1982)
Mobile Robot-Manipulator Adaptive Control,
Proc. of the Soviet Conference "Adaptive Robots,"
Moscow, pp.89-91 (in Russian).
[17] S.V.Gusev, A.V.Timofeev, V.A.Yakubovich and Ye.I Yurevich (1983)
Algorithms of Adaptive Control of Robot Movement,
Mechanism and Machine Theory, Pergamon Press, Vol.18, No.4, pp.279-281.
[18] S.V.Gusev (1983) On Formal Definition of Adaptive Control System,
Proceedings of Soviet Conference "Adaptive Systems Theory and Applications,"
Moscow, Leningrad, pp.22-23 (in Russian).
[19] S.V.Gusev, S.L.Shishkin and V.A.Yakubovich (1983)
Adaptive Anthropomorphic Apparatus Walking Control,
Proc. of the Soviet Conference "Adaptive Systems Theory and Applications,"
Moscow, Leningrad, p.227 (in Russian).
[20] S.V.Gusev (1984) Non-adaptive Solutions of Adaptive Problems,
Proc. of the XII Soviet Workshop on
Adaptive Systems, Minsk, p.30
(in Russian).
[21] S.V.Gusev, V.P.Dozhdev, S.L.Shishkin and V.A.Yakubovich (1984)
Algorithms of Anthropomorphic Mechanism Walking Selflearning,
Proc. of the XII Soviet Workshop on Adaptive Systems, Minsk,
p.31 (in Russian).
[22] S.V.Gusev, S.L.Shishkin and V.A.Yakubovich (1985)
Selflearning System of Anthropomorphic Robot Walking Control,
Proc. of the III Soviet Conference on Robotics Systems, Voronezh,
pp.126--127 (in Russian).
[23] S.V.Gusev, A.V.Shishlov, V.A.Yakubovich and Ye.I.Yurevich (1985)
Adaptive Control of Manipulators Motion in Operation Area with Obstacles,
Proc. of the Soviet Conference on Mechanical Systems Control,
Kazan, p.45 (in Russian).
[24] S.V.Gusev, V.V.Makarichev, A.V.Shishlov, V.A.Yakubovich, E.I.Yurevich
and A.T.Zaremba (1986) Flexible System of Robot Adaptive Control.
Preprints of 5th IFAC Symposium "Robotics and Flexible Manufacturing Systems,"
Moscow, pp.307-311.
[25] S.V.Gusev (1986) Suboptimal Adaptive Control of Linear Discrete-time
Plant Based on Algorithm of Recursive Quadratic Inequalities Solving,
Deposited with VINITI, N 4208-86 (in Russian).
[26] S.V.Gusev (1986) Recursive Finite-Convergent Algorithm for Regression
Function Parameters Estimation and Its Application in the Filtration Problem,
Deposited with VINITI, N 6062-86 (in Russian).
[27] S.V.Gusev and S.L.Shishkin (1987) Anthropomorphic Robot Walking
Adaptive Control, Deposited with VINITI, N 8927-87 (in Russian).
{[28] S.V.Gusev, E.V.Panteley and S.L.Shishkin (1988)
Selflearning Algorithm of Anthropomorphic Robot Walking on Rough Surface,
Proc. of the VI Soviet conference on mechanical systems control, Lvov,
pp. 47-48 (in Russian).
[29] S.V.Gusev, S.Manseur and V.A.Yakubovich (1988)
Recursive Aim Inequalities Method in Robotics Systems Adaptive
Control Problems, Proc. of the II Soviet workshop
"Robots and Computer Aided Manufacture Systems,"
Moscow, pp.31-32 (in Russian).
[30] S.V.Gusev (1988) Linear Stabilization of Nonlinear Systems
Program Motion, Systems and Control Letters, No 11, pp.409-412.
[31] S.V.Gusev and E.V.Panteley (1988) Dynamics Equations and
Desired Motion Stabilization for Mechanical Plants with
Holonomic Constraints, Deposited with VINITI, N 5819-88 (in Russian).
[32] S.V.Gusev (1988) Using of Ellipsoids Method in Regression Function
Estimation Problem, Deposited with VINITI, N 1328-88, (in Russian).
[33] S.V.Gusev and S.Manseur (1989) Finite-Convergent Algorithm
for Solution of Continual Systems of Quadratic Inequalities.
Vestnik Leningrad University: Mathematics Vol.22, No.2, pp.54-56
(English translation in Vestnic Leningrad University: Mathematics,
ISSN 0146-924X, Allerton Press, Inc.).
[34] S.V.Gusev and I.A.Makarov (1989) Stabilization of Desired Motion of
Transport Vehicle with a Track-laying Chassis.
Vestnik Leningrad University: Mathematics Vol.22, No.3, pp.7-10
(English translation in Vestnik Leningrad University ISSN0146-924X,
Allerton Press, Inc.).
[35] S.V.Gusev (1989) Parameters Optimization Algorithm in the
Regression Function Estimation Problem,
Deposited with VINITI, N4435-89 (in Russian).
[36] V.A.Bondarko, S.V.Gusev and V.A.Yakubovich (1989)
Recursive Inequalities Method in Adaptive Control Systems
with Mean Square Bounded Disturbances,
Proc. of the XI Soviet conference on Control Problems,
Tashkent, pp.152-153 (in Russian).
[37] S.V.Gusev (1989) Finite-Memory Convergent Algorithm for Estimating
the Regression Function and Its Application in Adaptive Control,
Automation and Remote Control, Vol.50 No.3 pp.367-374.
[38] S.V.Gusev, S.L.Shishkin and V.A.Yakubovich (1990)
Biped walk Self-learning Algorithms,
Proc. of the IFIP International Conference
"Artificial Intelligence - Industrial Applications," Leningrad, pp.320-321.
[39] S.V.Gusev (1990) Minimax Control of Discrete-time Plant
with Restrictions on Correlation Function of Disturbances,
Deposited with VINITI, N 5810-90 (in Russian).
[40] S.V.Gusev (1991) Adaptive Control of Dynamic Plants Under Restrictions
on Correlation Function of Disturbances,
Proc. of the V Leningrad conference on adaptive systems theory,
Leningrad, Vol.1, pp.23-24 (in Russian).
[41] S.V.Gusev and I.A.Makarov (1991) Desired Motion Adaptive Stabilization
of Tracklaying Transport Robot, Proceedings of international workshop
"Control systems synthesis: theory and application," Novosibirsk, pp.32-36.
[42] V.A.Bondarko, S.V.Gusev and V.A.Yakubovich (1991)
Using of Recurrent Aim Inequalities Method for Adaptive Control of
Non-minimumphase systems, New trends in system theory:
Proceedings of University of Genoa-Ohio State University Joint Conference,
Ed. by G.Conte, A.M.Perdon, B.Wyman, pp.147-156.
[43] A.L.Fradkov, S.V.Gusev and I.A.Makarov (1991)
Robust Speed-Gradient Adaptive Control Algorithms for Manipulators
and Mobile Robots, Proc. 30th IEEE Conf. CDC'91, Brighton, England.
[44] S.V.Gusev and M.V.Ruzhanskiy (1992)
Time-Optimal Desired Motion Construction for Multilink Manipulator,
Proc. of the VI Chetaev conference "Analytical Mechanics,
Stability and Motion Control," Kazan, pp.93-94 (in Russian).
[45] S.V.Gusev (1992) Gradient Estimation Algorithm with Dead-Zone
is the Alternative Least Squares Method in Adaptive Control.
Abstracts of Swedish-Russian Conference on Automatic Control,
Linkoping, Sweden, pp.9-10.
[46] S.V.Gusev (1993) Gradient Estimation Algorithm with Dead Zone
for Adaptive Control of Discrete-Time Plants with Mean Square Bounded
Disturbances, Proc. of the 2nd European Control Conference,
Groningen, The Netherlands, vol. 4, pp.2222-2225.
[47] S.V.Gusev (1993) Analysis of a Stochastic Approximation Algorithm
in the Case of Non-Stochastic Disturbances,
Proc. of the 2nd European Control Conference, Groningen,
The Netherlands, vol. 4, pp.2117-2120.
[48] S.V.Gusev and I.A.Makarov (1993) Desired Motion Stabilization Algorithms
for Mobile Robots, Izvestia Akademii Nauk. Technicheskaia Kibernetika.
no. 2, pp. 220-229 (in Russian).
[49] S.V.Gusev (1994) Robustness of a Stochastic Approximation Algorithm
with Respect to Non-Stochastic Disturbances,
Preprints of 10th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, Copenhagen,
Denmark, vol. 3, pp.413-416.
[50] S.V.Gusev (1994) Estimation and Adaptive Control in the Presence
of Mean Square Bounded Disturbances, Proc. of the American Control Conference,
Baltimore, USA, vol. 3, pp. 2972-2978.
[51] S.V.Gusev (1994) Optimal Control under Restriction on Correlation
Coefficients of Disturbances, Proc. of the American Control Conference,
Baltimore, USA, vol. 3, pp. 3188-3192.
[52] S.V.Gusev and T.P.Krasulina (1994) Stochastic Approximation Algorithm
with the Desired Probability of Nonexcess of a Given Threshold,
Izvestia Akademii Nauk. Technicheskaia Kibernetika.
no. 4, pp. 37-39 (in Russian).
[53] C.I.Byrnes, A.Lindquist, S.V.Gusev and A.S.Matveev (1994)
A Complete Parametrization of All Positive Rational Extensions
of a Covariance Sequence, Proc. of the 33rd IEEE CDC, Lake Buena Vista,
[54] S.V.Gusev and M.V.Ruzhanskiy (1995) The Time-Optimal Motion Construction
for the Multilink Manipulator, Izvestia Akademii Nauk.
Technicheskaia Kibernetika. no. 3, pp. 190-199 (in Russian).
[55] N.A.Balonin and S.V.Gusev (1995) Experiments with the
Regularized Adaptive Control Algorithms,
Proc. of the 2nd Russian-Swedish Control Conference, pp.70-72.
[56] S.V.Gusev (1995) Minimax Control for Linear Discrete-Time Systems,
Proc. of the 3rd European Control Conference,
Rome, Italy, vol.3, part.2, 1995, pp. 2591-2596.
[57] S.V.Gusev (1995) Minimax Control under a Restriction on the Moments
of Disturbance, Proc. of the 34th CDC, New Orleans, LA, pp. 1195-1200.
[58] S.V.Gusev (1995) Minimax Control under a Bound on the Partial
Covariance Sequence of the Disturbance,
Automatica, vol.31, No 9, 1995, pp.1287-1301.
[59] C.I.Byrnes, A.Lindquist, S.V.Gusev and A.S.Matveev (1995)
A Complete Parametrization of All Positive Rational Extensions
of a Covariance Sequence, IEEE Tr. on Automatic Control,
vol. 40, no. 11, pp. 1841-1857.
[60] S.V.Gusev and S.L.Shishkin (1996) "Adaptive control of biped robot walking
on an inclined plane," Proc. of the 5th IEEE Conference on Control
Applications, Dearborn, MI, pp. 1090-1095.
[61] S.V.Gusev and S.L.Shishkin (1996) "Method of fussioning ellipsoids
in global optimization problems," 5th SIAM Conf. on Optimization,
Victoria, Canada, p. 102.
[62] S.V.Gusev (1996) "Method of Moment Restrictions in Robust Control and Filtering,
" Proc. of the 13th IFAC World Congress, San Francisco, CA, Vol. H,
[63] S.V.Gusev (1997) "Minimax Control of Linear Discrete-Time Plant under
the Moment Restrictions on the Disturbances,"
Russian Mathematical Dokaldy
Vol. 553, N 4, pp. 453-455. (in Russian).
[64] S.V.Gusev, W.Johnson, J.Miller (1997) "Active Flywheel Control Based on
the Method of Moment Restrictions", Proc. of the ACC'97, Albuquerque, New
Mexico, Vol. 5, pp. 3426-3430.
[65] C.I.Byrnes, S.V.Gusev and A.Lindquist (1997)
"A convex optimization approach to the rational covariance extension
problem," Department of Mathematics, Roal Institute of Technology,
Stockholm, Sweden, 1997 (Coden: TRITA/MAT-97-OS9).
[66] S.V.Gusev, W.Johnson, J.Miller, M.A.Masrur (1997)
"Moment regulator for automotive engine oscillation damping,"
Proc. of 1st International Conference "Control of Oscillations and Chaos,"
St.Petersburg, Russia, Vol. 3, pp. 457-460.
[67] S.V.Gusev, I.A.Makarov, I.E.Paromtchik, V.A.Yakubovich
and C.Laugier (1998) "Adaptive Motion Control of a Nonholonomic Vehicle,"
Proc. of the IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation,
Leuven, Belgium.
[68] C.I.Byrnes, S.V.Gusev and A.Lindquist (1998) "A Convex Optimization Approach to the
Rational Covariance Extension Problem," SIAM J. Control Optim., Vol. 37, No. 1, pp. 211-229.
[69] S.V.Gusev, I.A.Makarov, I.E.Paromtchik and V.A.Yakubovich (1999) " Adaptive Stabilization
of a Mechanical System with Nonholonomic Constraints," Proc. of the 6-th Saint-Petersburg
Symposium on Adaptive Systems Theory, St. Petersburg, Russia, Vol. 1, pp. 101-104.
[70] S.V.Gusev and A.T.Zaremba (1999) "Design of Robust Servosystem Controller Based on
Method of Moment Restrictions," Proc. of the 6-th Saint-Petersburg
Symposium on Adaptive Systems Theory, St. Petersburg, Russia, Vol. 1, pp. 105-108.
[71] C.I.Byrnes, S. V. Gusev, and A. Lindquist. (2001) "From finite
covariance windows to modeling filters: a convex optimization
approach." SIAM Review, Vol. 43, N 4, pp. 645-675.
[72] S.V.Gusev. (2002) "Restricted Linear Matrix Extremum Problem and
Frequency Inequalities."
Deposited with VINITI N 1190-V2002, (In Russian).
[73] S.V.Gusev. (2002) "An Extremum Problem in the Space of Matrix Measures."
Deposited with VINITI N 1191-V2002, (In Russian).
[74] S.V.Gusev (2005)
"The Structure of Semi-definite Solutions of Homogeneous
Generalized Lyapunov Equation and Frequency Domain Theorem
in a Hilbert Space,"
Vestnic St.Petersburg University: Mathematics, No. 3, pp. 16--23.
[75] S.V.Gusev (2005)
"Extended Kalman-Yakubovich-Popov Lemma in a Hilbert Space and Fenchel
Duality," Proc. of the 44th CDC and ECC'05, Seville,
pp. 1565--1570.
[76] S.V.Gusev (2006)
"Fenchel Duality, S-procedure and Yakubovich-Kalman Lemma,"
Automation and Remote Control, No.2, pp. 135--153.