Current research

Study of approximate query processing techniques in modern DBMSs.


  • Динамическое распределение памяти в многопоточном обработчике транзакций. Конференция СПИСОК’12. Чередник К.Е., Смирнов К.К.
  • To Sort or not to Sort: The Evaluation of R-Tree and B+-tree in Transactional Environment with Ordered Result Set Requirement. SYRCoDIS 2013. Pavel Fedotovsky, George Erokhin, Kirill Cherednik, Kirill Smirnov, George Chernishev
  • The study of multidimensional R-Tree -based index scalability in multicore environment. PSI’14. Kirill Smirnov, Chernishev George, Pavel Fedotovsky, George Erokhin, Kirill Cherednik (Accepted)
  • Supporting additional tree data structures in GiST. Конференция СПИСОК’14 (Accepted). Pavel Fedotovsky, Kirill Cherednik, George Chernishev
