The Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics Department
Phone: 428-42-12
The Head of the Department - Prof. Ya.Yu Nikitin
Prof. I.A.Ibragimov, member of Russian Academy of Sciences.
- Asymptotical Methods of Mathematical Statistics
- Statistics of Random Processes
- Probability Theory
Ass. prof. S.M. Anan'evskii.
- Mathematical Statistics
- Probability Theory
- Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics
Prof. A. N. Borodin.
- Random Processes
- Probability Theory
Ass. prof. S. S. Vallander.
- Random Processes in the Theory of Insurances Chance
- Statistics of Random Processes
- Probability Theory
- Theory of Random Processes
Ass. Prof. M. I. Gordin
- Mathematical Statistics
- Probability Theory
- Probability theory and Mathematical Statistics
Prof. M. A. Lifshits
- Gauss' Random Processes
- Random Processes
- Probability Theory
- Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics
- Theory of Random Processes
Prof. A. I. Martikainen.
- Limiting Theorems
- Probability Theory
- Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics
Prof. V. B. Hevzorov.
- Additional Chapters of Probability Theory II
- Ordinal Statistics
- Probability Theory
Prof. Ya. Yu Nikitin,
- Asymptotical Effectivity of Statistical Criterions
- Mathematical Statistics
- Nonstandard Probabilistic Problems
- Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics
Prof. V. V. Petrov
- Asymptotical Methods of Probability Theory
- Limiting Theorems
- Probability Theory
Assistant E. B. Ponikarov
- Computational Praxis
- Mathematical Statistics
- Probability Theory
- Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics
Ass. prof. O. V. Rusakov
- Computational Praxis
- Probability Theory
- Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics
- Theory of Random Processes
- Theory of random Processes in Financial Practice
Ass. prof V. N. Solev
- Additional Chapters of Probability Theory I
- Probability Theory
Prof. V. N. Sudakov
- Additional Chapters of Probability Theory I
- Theory of Distributions
- Theory of Random Processes
Prof. A.N. Frolov
- Limiting Theorems
- Probability Theory
- Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics
The Department is a graduate one on the speciality "Mathematics".