The Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics Department

Phone: 428-42-12

The Head of the Department - Prof. Ya.Yu Nikitin


Prof. I.A.Ibragimov, member of Russian Academy of Sciences. Ass. prof. S.M. Anan'evskii. Prof. A. N. Borodin. Ass. prof. S. S. Vallander. Ass. Prof. M. I. Gordin Prof. M. A. Lifshits Prof. A. I. Martikainen. Prof. V. B. Hevzorov. Prof. Ya. Yu Nikitin, Prof. V. V. Petrov Assistant E. B. Ponikarov Ass. prof. O. V. Rusakov Ass. prof V. N. Solev Prof. V. N. Sudakov Prof. A.N. Frolov

The Department is a graduate one on the speciality "Mathematics".